A Series on Smarter, Safer, Stronger EH&S Programs

There is not a single industry or workplace that did not feel the strain caused by the pandemic.  For some, it was the strain of working from home, layoffs, and illness.  For others, it was stress on your supply chain, manufacturing retrofits into producing essential products, or balancing the health and safety of your essential workers.

In addition to the strains you and your company felt, we have observed that Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) programs have also suffered. 

In this series, we will use various forms of media to present information and best practices to help you rebuild or strengthen your EHS program.  Our blog post sets the stage, our podcast presents considerations such as auditing and disclosures; our webinar series will present compliance obligations that the regulated community struggles with, in the best of times, not to mention during a pandemic; and our YouTube videos further support the information in the webinars.  This series is perfect for those rebuilding their programs after any challenge: whether that be the loss of critical EHS personnel, changes in ownership or management, or coming out of a pandemic.  Engage with us as we move your RESILIENT environment forward!